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Old 2024-03-08, 23:45   Link #67
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Join Date: Aug 2013
Did the subs suddenly take a nosedive? They went wayyy too literal at some points, even in the credits. "That is Hironobu Kageyama?" "These are ____" .

I thought for a second Mutsugi might actually feel regret for what she's doing...but then she seemed to actually bask in Souma's suffering. And that's before she goes totally insane and cackling like a madwoman .

That's kind of the rub of the Makai Order, isn't it? They fight monsters to protect humans, but humans can be just as much monsters themselves, so is there really a point? It more often than not tends to be the reason we get fallen Knights or Priests .

So are we actually going to see Lost Soul Zango or are they just going to leave it in silhouette? I was actually kind of surprised they addressed getting consumed by the armor in a Ryuga season .

If I'm understanding Mutsugi's plan correctly, the Gate instinctively draws humans with Inga in them to it to turn them into Horrors, so Mutsugi thinks if she lets that go along she can just kill all humans who can transform into Horrors...

The Red Woman finally returns! Still kind of unclear exactly what she is, but it feels like her "sweet talking" Mutsugi and Souma is what made both of them go off the deep end. Just like she did with all those Horrors .

So did Koyori actually see the Red Woman or did she just undo the seal on Souma and it was displayed like she hit the Red Woman ?

Mutsugi's plan seems to hinge on the Zango armor passing from Godou to Souma and thus undoing the seal, but I don't know if the armor would even approve of Souma as he is now. Though maybe she's relying on the blood connection to make the armor react ?

I guess it was inevitable we'd get Ryuga vs Souma. Kind of hope we get them clashing in their armors, but I kind of doubt it .
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