Thread: Genshin Impact
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Old 2024-03-05, 03:28   Link #1335
Join Date: Dec 2003
Age: 41
Originally Posted by FlameSparkZ View Post
The new banner type is nice and all, but did it really need to use intertwined fates?

I guess the main reason is hoyo didn't want it to use aquaint fates...but still, a third type of fate could've been introduced as an alternative that we could obtain through other methods.
I think it's mostly because they are trying to pitch this as a "choose your own rerun" banner as opposed to a sort of "clearance bin." In games that have more pronounced power creep and combat focus (or that create alt versions of popular characters), they tend to make it easier to earn older units over time because they're not meta anymore and it's only for collectors, but in this game any of these characters are perfectly good enough to clear basically everything the game has to offer (and most of the weapons are upgrades compared to 4-stars assuming you give them to the right characters). I suspect they don't want to create a sort of new meta where new players are encouraged to stock up on old 5-stars, which is probably why the pity doesn't carry over either.

Now, on the other hand, it actually wouldn't surprise me much if miHoYo did do something like this in HSR at some point, because in that game they seem to be much more inclined to power creep their old units, and helping newbies and casual players expand their roster with "basic" 5-stars would be a good way to help people catch up to the meta.
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