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Old 2024-03-02, 00:37   Link #64
Senior Member
Join Date: Aug 2013
I mean, I think it's fine to mourn the victims being possessed by the Horror rather than the Horror themselves, but I guess it makes sense that it wouldn't sink in for Souma because he just barrels through everything .

Makai Knight Zango! That armor was a thing of beauty !

Oh hey, they even had a full Horror suit instead of anything remaining of the human like from the older seasons...even if we only saw the Horror for, like, five seconds .

Is Irubua supposed to be Godous Madou Tool? "Yuka Suzumura?" is this all one big Suzumura family reunion production ?

Okay, so now Ryuga can just flex the a practical suit version of the Yami Wo Terasu Mono Garo armor (which as far as I can remember was all CG in the season it appeared in). Sure, why not ?

I didn't expect Godou to be living out of a literal man cave. I know most Makai Knights just kind of wander or go wherever they needed and don't have a swanky Saejima mansion, but I don't think most would live in a literal cave with a tent, a desk, and a bookcase .

Oh, so the Finisher literally forces their armor off to take the recoil. I guess that's one way to justify it .

Ryuga and Souma are totally going to use the light and dark versions of the attack together .

Ryuga reflecting on Godou and Souma's relationship felt pertinent knowing his family drama .

It's almost like Godou knew something was probably going to happen to him the way he asked Ryuga to take care of Godou .

Mutsugi finally shows her true colors. Of course it's the classic "we can destroy all Horrors!" plan that ALWAYS turns out well in this franchise

Was that Lost Soul Zango sealed up like that ?
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