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Old 2024-02-26, 14:12   Link #79
User of the "Fast Draw"
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Canada
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I'm glad for the flashback since honestly I'd forgotten about the sisters/wouldn't have realized they were the ones from the previous season. They do seem to have a poor reputation. But obviously suffering from a horrible curse and going through hell can give people a fresh perspective on life. And good to give them a small visit later on to check in on them. Also lets them know their savior isn't totally brutal. Although again...Makoto can go off the reserve sometimes so maybe it'd be better to presume he's always in teacher mode.

Shiki's trying to be positive, but I'm not sure much is going on in these lessons besides pummeling these kids . I suppose they'll get used to defeat, but that's not necessarily a good thing. In some ways though it can't be helped. It's not like Makoto can apply his method of growth to literally anyone else and he doesn't know the basics enough to really give more theoretical focused lessons. So the best he can do is just pummel these kids, point out what they aren't good at and hope they learn something along the way. Which they certainly might. Not impossible.

A sly Mio would be pretty terrifying . Thankfully Rona isn't as strong. And she definitely should watch herself since the very not-sly Mio would put her into the ground immediately!
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