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Old 2024-02-24, 08:55   Link #18
Senior Member
Join Date: Dec 2005
Well, there were people who were worried that Blackbeard's schemes would dilute whatever infamy Luffy gains from the Egghead incident.... but I think potentially being blamed for the death of the world's greatest genius (who decided to drop the nuclear equivalent of an info bomb as his final message), as well as toppling one of the world's overseers, should sufficiently steamroll over any other emperor's headlines for the foreseeable future, methinks. Well, short of Blackbeard gaining control over the ancient weapons, but I don't think that's exactly something that will happen overnight, lol.

Also, interesting to learn that Doll once worked under Saul. Wonder how old she is, then? The Ohara incident was over 20 years ago, so I guess she's middle age (unless she's another Kureha/Shakky type who somehow found the secret to eternal youth )? And speaking of Saul, I can only imagine how shocked the marines will be to find out he survived after all this time. I wonder if even Kuzan knew....?
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