Thread: Crunchyroll Solo Leveling
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Old 2024-01-27, 13:00   Link #85
Senior Member
Join Date: Aug 2013
Are we sure Jinwoo didn't put in at least a few points towards his AGI? Dude was flipping around like an acrobat. Though all that strength comes in pretty useful for punching out a wolf .

But if his fists aren't enough, luckily he's got a sword stashed in his inventory (which is a thing he has now) and slices the thing up .

So Jinwoo's daily quests boost his stats and all that contributes to his actual combat effectivenes to where he levels up faster in actual battle. Seems simple enough. And there's even an "in-game" currency, even if he doesn't have access to the in-game store yet .

Challenge the boss or level grind? The wolves and Jinwoo's own insatiable need to get stronger make that decision for him .

Joohee feels responsible for the Dungeon Break and resolves to get back in the fight like Jinwoo, though she's still emotionally traumatized .

Jinwoo is leveling up fast! And conveniently the colors of his enemies' names denote their power in relation to him so he knows exactly what he's fighting .

Jinwoo finally challenges the boss and it's a giant blue serpent that really knocks him around throughout a subway station...Jinwoo is a bit out of his depth, but his own frustration and anger over his weakness and realization that the only way to make it through this world is strength makes him resolve not to give up and keep pressing on. And his efforts are rewarded by hitching a ride on that snake and crushing it's neck to finish it off. Even gets a handy new knife in the process .

Dang, Jinwoo feels like a different person the way he coldly and rationally analyzes everything in front of him. And that's not even talking about how he just casually breaks the shield of a D-Rank Boss that was pounding on lower-rank hunters with his new swole arm and a broken sword. And Joohee saw him !
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