Thread: Crunchyroll Solo Leveling
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Old 2024-01-20, 13:01   Link #63
Senior Member
Join Date: Aug 2013
Well, it's nice to be able to wake up with an arm and leg again, eh Jinwoo? Even if you're not sure how you survived...and similar questions come in the form of Woo (Makoto Furukawa!) and his assistant (Kouki Uchiyama!) .

So the people actually got out survived...I guess that's good, even if Sung is still missing an arm and will have to retire, and Joohe is so traumatized that she might never be able to be a Hunter again either. Not to mention all the people who died .

Poor Jinwoo really was hyped to think he got a second Awakening like a proper MC and he's still got below average Mana. Though soon he'll realize exactly what sets him apart from other Hunters .

Jinah is so cute and caring! No wonder Jinwoo is so dedicated to her! Just gotta keep safe to ensure she doesn't quit school to work for his sake !

At this point you'd think Jinwoo would be more cognizant of messages telling him to do stuff knowing what happens when you don't listen to ominous instructions...but I guess he needed to realize if he doesn't do his daily quests/workouts he'll have to survive four hours in the desert being hunted by giant killer centipedes .

Cha's fashion game is on-point but she's less confident in her mentorship skills, but the Hunter's Guild needs her to show the less experienced the rope if they're going to build up their prestiege internationally. Me, I just want to see her in action as a Hunter !

I guess if anything was going to get Joohee out of her funk, it's getting to see Jinwoo, though she refrains from seeing him when she sees he's back and at it with gusto while she's still an emotional mess. I was looking forward to their reunion too .

So unlike other Hunters Jinwoo has the ability to actually level up (hence the title), meaning he can boost his stats, get daily rewards, and even get lootboxes. He's already buffing up his strength .

Man, these dungeons sure do pop up in the most inconvenient spots sometimes .

Jinwoo has had to deal with a lot. His mom getting a case of rare eternal sleep disease, being the weakest hunter who couldn't make enough money for his mom, and people looking down on him...but now he has the chance to make up for that and truly be powerful .

He really should've known better than to think that an instant dungeon would be easy to get out of, it basically takes him out the real world and places him in a dungeon-ified version of his environment and pits him against enemies and Bosses to level him up more. Good news is he can kill goblins now (Goblin Slayer would approve), bad news is the boss is a wolf with a steel jaw and he has no weapon !
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