Thread: Crunchyroll Solo Leveling
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Old 2024-01-13, 19:10   Link #47
Kamen Rider Muppeteer
Join Date: Jan 2012
Location: Unknown
Age: 39
Was that this heralded "Smile"?

I've seen smiles like that before. It's just anime slasher smile.

I think the show is inoffensive enough that I can just keep watching it with a critical eye, which is fun in its own way.

Every single person in that raid except for Main Character with the Main Character power of not being an idiot, is an idiot.

The leader guy does have the power of being "not a bad dude", but he was mostly useless aside from that.

Love interest is just entirely useless despite the fact that she's allegedly a powerful healer and therefore should actually be very useful. Her one saving grace is not being stupid.

The violence and gore did not make me feel tension at all. I don't think it achieved its intended effect at all. But I guess gore for the sake of gore just doesn't work as well when there isn't a real story to tell with it.

The imouto scenes feel entirely useless. I don't know, maybe it will go somewhere but I don't feel it is, so it just feels like a waste of screen time. Might be redeemed later, might not.

Main Character earned his reward of Main Character powers by.... Already having Main Character powers to begin with.

Like I said, I get enough amusement out of watching this with a critical eye, but all that means is it could do better. It just feels like a basic isekai despite not being an isekai.

Oh, and exploiting the "I have a family trope" not once, but twice. Shame on you, show.
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