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Old 2024-01-07, 03:59   Link #1675
Join Date: Dec 2006
Originally Posted by Tactics View Post
Sorry but how could your personal preference, your taste is definite representation of target audience as a whole? Since when?

Last time I accompanied my friend to bookstore in Japan, to my surprise who curious about LN sales, we saw office ladies discussing which one better to read on break. Between S-Rank Monster no Behemoth or Reincarnated as Vending Machine because both looks like a fun read to her; her friend suggested to check both manga adaptation or watch anime adaptation for Vending Machine.

Isekai Smartphone is not a big title compare to Overlord but salaryman who read it on train exists too.
Blue Lock rarely made it to Top 20 manga sales in Japan prior to anime, after anime it one of Top 5 of 2023 alongside SxF and JJK.
Anime boost is still real, more games also wanted VA presence to appeal their playerbase, newcomers VA not short of opportunity just because you said so.

Vague number? LOL. To begin with it doesn't make sense to make product without awareness to supply and demand.
Ohhh. I thought you were saying that people often watch through an entire anime and don't quit after 3 or so episodes.
You were actually trying to say that people watch the entire season before deciding whether to buy something? That's... kinda so obvious I couldn't help but misunderstand.

newcomers VA not short of opportunity just because you said so.
Ahh, I do recall a few days back, of someone who voices a character 4 years back or so of a game I played, there was a comment elsewhere saying "I hope she is doing good as a VA", so I went to check the Wiki and well...
But from your
you either show you're more than capable to compete with old names (e.g. Fairouz Ai career leap after she prove Jolyne can be voiced by not-Sawashiro) or have serious range and skills to elevate your presence (e.g. how Uesaka Sumire and Soma Saito belongs to plenty of franchise).
statement, you are trying to say the VA industry is healthy and its the VA's fault they can't get roles. I can't really say I care either way whose fault it is though

Originally Posted by Tactics View Post
Contracted as guitarist for one of big franchise is a fault? Seems like you wanted to brand her as failure for not having role other than Marin. That's new low.
Hey, she's the one that said she wanted to be a VA to participate in anime. If being a few minor/nameless characters and spending the rest of her year in 2023 playing guitar in real life is a good thing for a VA career, sure.

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