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Old 2024-01-05, 01:38   Link #1669
Join Date: Dec 2006
Originally Posted by Tactics View Post
All the cheap isekai anime despite it poor range of characters actually helpful in allowing new names to stay so they can climb, build notable traits.
Kinda doubt that. It might be giving them a bit of revenue, but no one watches those, so it might help them gain experience, but it isn't helping them climb.
But then again, being in a popular anime also doesn't net you stability. I think Bisque Doll was somewhat popular or something, but the heroine's VA only did a few pretty minor roles in 2023. Too much like luck and too many replacements these days
Nowadays, we would never be able to get a phenomenon like Hayashibara Megumi being literally everywhere at all times on TV

Originally Posted by Nachtwandler View Post
I won't say she vanished. Moved to more supporting roles maybe, but she is definetely not out of worke. I counted her voicing 11 characters in different shows last year (and it's just anime, seiyuu also do dubs, voice games etc.). Comparing to my favorite female VA she is doing great.
I highly question the how much she earns playing characters that probably don't have more than a handful of lines throughout the entire anime
Not that I would know how many lines she has, because... yeah, I don't remember her existence last year

But yes, China (and I guess Korea but I don't play any of their games so don't know here) really likes the older VAs, so you can always count on them to use veterans

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