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Old 2024-01-04, 22:22   Link #1668
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Join Date: Jul 2010
Originally Posted by Kanon View Post
I'm particularly happy for Kanae Ito because I like her a lot and she hasn't been doing so hot work-wise those past few years. She used to be really popular and then kinda vanished. Perhaps it was a choice on her part, I don't know.
It seems to be pretty common for older VAs not to be casted as 'regulars' (roles having regular appearances in a show), and they tend not to fight for those roles as well (perhaps advised by their agencies), plus they still need to go for numerous auditions to land any role, regardless of their popularity.

Also, unless a VA is specifically requested, audition opportunities are left to the discretion of agencies on who to send. A VA might humbly request to audition for a role but the final decision is left to the agency. Agencies might (I have no facts about this, so take it with a grain) tend to want to market and give more opportunities to younger talent, if they are suitable. Older VAs would also have secured previous regular roles that they would reprise on when a show gets a continuation.

That being said, many VAs (who are less active in anime) do have work in the large number of social games in the mobile scene these days. There are also plenty of other work in radio (many VAs have at least one regular each work year), narration, foreign show dubbing, and even appearing on other VAs' streams. VAs of certain ranks also do part-time coaching at VA vocation schools, usually at their alma mater, or at schools affiliated with their agencies.

Incidentally, if my memory doesn't fail me, it was alluded by Kobayashi Yuusuke to that Itou Kanae was the one who advised him to make a commitment to quit his part-time jobs when he started landing a number of main roles in the year he had a breakthrough. The advice improved his focus and ability to perform. I'm pretty sure Itou Kanae is doing all right, compared to some other VAs who have literally disappeared.
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