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Old 2023-12-30, 19:48   Link #49
The Mage of Four Hearts
Join Date: Mar 2010
Age: 34
Originally Posted by Dextro View Post
Not that it was a bad movie, mind. But it was mostly spectacle with not much substance there. Sure, we got the backstory to Shindo's dad but the MacGuffin of the entire movie, the papers, ended up not really amounting to much of anything.
The papers were following the same plot point that was caused by the ending of Season 1 and has been explored ever since then.

Makishima almost destroying Japan singlehandedly frightened Sibyl into trying to expand outside into other countries in order to protect themselves. They tried engineering their own coup in the movie but that failed. The papers are basically a refinement of that method.

Still it was a brilliant move to have Akane basically sacrifice herself in the most public fashion possible to make a point that Sibyl isn't infallible and that the justice system is still needed. However, like you, I also don't remember most of anything from S3 so I have no idea if her sacrifice amounted to anything. Maybe I should rewatch season 3 now? I feel like, were I to have seen this movie first, I wouldn't have been so cold on that season.
Considering how important the governor election in Season 3 was to Bifrost as a way to create a new backdoor into Sibyl through getting them to treat AIs as citizens then yeah, it had a huge effect. You could say Season 3 wouldn't have happened without it.

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