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Old 2023-12-18, 19:34   Link #41
The Mage of Four Hearts
Join Date: Mar 2010
Age: 34
Originally Posted by shmaster View Post
Hence why I bring up Maria as example.
She has absolute faith in him before an team wipe, and she only know him for a short period of time.
Compare to the way Touma breaks down in the beginning of the volume.
Do you really think he has as much faith in his harem as as they do to him?
If he has half as much faith as Maria, he'll be standing firm on the ground insteaf of having a break down, and make advance knowing his comrades will eventually catch up from behind.
Lmao what? Touma had a breakdown because Alice and Kingsford died in front of him and Anna was dying and could no longer be saved. Touma had a breakdown because of that and he had a crisis of faith in himself as a result not because he didn't believe in them.

Maria also had faith in Touma because she was standing back and unlike CRC had a better view of what was going on including Accel's tricks.

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