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Old 2023-11-07, 15:01   Link #1
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Join Date: Dec 2005
One Piece - Chapter 1098 [manga]

Welcome to the weekly manga discussion thread for One Piece.

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Let's get to business! Credit goes to Redon and Pewpiece (another regular provider):

-Chapter title is "Bonney's birth". Splash features Brooke, as well as a message from Oda, apologizing for not completing this chapter's manuscript on time (you can even tell the art has a rougher, sketchier look about it).

-We learn Ginny's fate: She was kidnapped by the Celestial Dragons, and forced to marry one of them! After two years of being a slave, they eventually let her go..... not because they were being generous, but because she caught a deadly disease under them.

-The dying Ginny manages to make contact with the RA and Kuma, the latter of whom immediately rushes to her side! Unfortunately, by the time he reaches her, it's too late.... she succumbed to her illness, which turned her body blue and encrusted with stones. However, he also discovers that she had given birth to her daughter before passing.... Bonney.

-Kuma decides to raise the girl as his own, with the assistance of the town's elders. We see the two of them growing up together as the years pass. While Kuma juggled between fatherhood and his RA duties at first, he eventually quit the army to take care of Bonney full time.... and figure out how to cure her of her illness, which she inherited from her late mother. Eventually, he finds a doctor who can diagnose her disease: Sapphire Scale. Any form of natural light causes the illness to spread faster, but even if kept completely sheltered, it would only be a matter of time before she succumbs to it..... which the doctor says would be by the time she reaches her tenth birthday. Naturally, Kuma is devastated by the news. but finds himself lying to Bonney after she overheard part of the conversation, telling the five year old that she'll be cured when she turns ten....

-A year later, yet another complication pops up in Kuma's life as Becori, the former king of Sorbet, rears his ugly head again! He seems to be seeking power once more, and has began burning down the homes of the poor....!!!!

Last edited by marvelB; 2023-11-08 at 17:39.
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