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Old 2023-10-25, 18:33   Link #6
Senior Member
Join Date: Dec 2005
Well, the fan TL is already out, but I updated the summary, anyway. Interesting (but not really surprising) that the CDs were ballsy enough to steal treasure from Hachinosu, of all places. As for the Rocks crew, while it's interesting to see that Gloriosa/Nyon was a former member (yet not Shakky? ), I'm actually more curious as to whether or not the younger Stussy was actually strong. I mean yeah, her clone is tough and all, but is that something passed down from the original, or was that just science at work? Because the elderly Stussy (aka Bakkin) doesn't seem all that tough to me, lol. Also, I'm guessing that's Rocks himself at the bottom left of the crew's intro page? In that case, I wonder if the guy above him is supposed to be Ouchoku or Silver Axe? I'm leaning more toward the former since he was even mentioned fairly recently (as one of the main players of the Rocky Port incident, even).

What else.... oh yeah, it's cool to finally see Kong again. Hope that means he'll finally show up in the present time, as well. Also, those Holy Knights have some interesting designs. So I guess they're all old codgers now, like Garling? Or are some of their offspring inheriting the work? Could go either way, I guess. Anyways, pretty much little doubt now that Ginny is Bonney's mother., what with the whole "glutton" thing. I also liked that Oda tied in Kuma's carrying around a bible by revealing he lived in a church in his youth. I enjoy little details like that. Anyway, wonder where this flashback will go next...
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