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Old 2006-08-24, 00:04   Link #38
Join Date: Aug 2006
Um, I don't see any reason for you to be PISSED at sushi-y or kj if they say something in japanese and you can't understand it. Would it please you more if they just stopped posting entirely? You probably don't mean to sound this way, but your post almost makes it seem like it's their DUTY to inform you about things you don't know. My experience has shown me that being polite when you ask for something you want will provide better results. Again, maybe you don't mean to come off like that, but that's the tone of your post.

Not to sound like I'm kissing up, but thanks for everyone's clarification to my question, especially Sushi-y and kj. Keep in mind most everyone here appreciate your efforts to better inform those of us who haven't played the games.
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