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Old 2023-08-03, 16:42   Link #2262
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Join Date: Sep 2011
Originally Posted by Gerard07 View Post
I read somewhere that in "Marie Route", Luxon finally betrayed Leon and shot him on the way... is that true, if so, what will happen next?
The other thing, did the author really make a Hertrude/Hertruda route?, would someone give me more details about it?, isn't Luxon on that route?.
I believe the Reddit has spoilers but no full translations yet.

As far as I know, after they resolved the mess that was with Mary and Angie decided not to ice Olivia, Luxon shot Leon and proceeded to start attacking Holfort because when the Saint knocked him out of commission she rebooted the authority command that Leon used to become his Master and effectively took him off the chains he was bound by.

As for the Fanoss Twins route, there's two chapters written but no one has translated it yet.

And there are no English Translations for the Marie Route Manga despite it being ongoing at the moment with us seeing the incident she killed the bear and a flashfoward of her wedding and how she looked before Leon died in his first life.
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