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Old 2023-07-28, 01:33   Link #17
Join Date: Dec 2006
I've always wondered if that if these old popular anime were actually created these days, if they would still be popular
If a completely new anime with the same plot as Eva came out this season, would it be able to become a timeless classic?

I remember recently reading somewhere in a discussion on how content is being burned through so quickly these days. The next season comes and no one remembers the next season. And then someone mentioned that the number of people that really go deep into anime haven't really changed as much as the fact that more casual users have come in and this casual crowd doesn't stay on anything for long, and since there are so many casual users, it just feels that way.
Though due to this perhaps, the anime industry is on one of those "If we stop we die" platforms where they just pump 40 anime each season and if 5 anime sells 100 each, it is better than trying and making just 1 anime that doesn't sell 500, but although the number of people watching anime has increased, the number of people making has not, thus seen...

Never heard of Nihon Review really, but its nice to see Random Curiosity still active. And pretty impressive really. There are so many anime + real life responsibility as I get older that I hardly to get myself to write more than a few lines for separate episodes.
I have a friend who has similar hobbies as me, and he's more of a manga man than anime, and he definitely has a more healthy way of going on anime. Flat out just doesn't watch anything unless he cares, so he usually only watches like a couple of anime each season unless I suggest it strong enough to him

As for social media...

It's a lost cause. As long as the world catches on fire after I die, I don't care.
But if there is one thing I've constantly seen and noticed, it's that defenders of something are often more vicious than the people criticizing it.
...Defense? Hmm, well, they think it's a defense anyways.

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-R.I.P. Hiroshi Yamauchi, Gaming wouldn't have been the same without you (9/19/13)
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