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Old 2023-07-11, 09:21   Link #34
Last Sinner
You're Hot, Cupcake
Join Date: Aug 2008
Age: 42
It hit most of the notes I wanted it to in this opening. But one thing I think ep1 could really have benefitted from is saying why the Saimori family shunned Miyo so much. In the PVs, it clearly showed why. Those going in completely blind will think it's merely people being jerks, when there is a better reason as to why. Hope they don't leave that one hanging for too long.

But as for what it did - the general gentle mix of melancholy and optimism in the music (Evan Call wins yet again). How utterly on point Reina Ueda was with her voice acting. The general crushing of any optimism Miyo had for anything leading up to the final minute. It worked. Keen for the next ep.
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