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Old 2023-07-07, 18:01   Link #7
Kana Hanazawa ♥
Join Date: Jun 2007
Location: France
Age: 37
Originally Posted by Amarantine View Post
Regarding the special that just came out, I imagine it's like a prologue for the upcoming TV series? If so, I'm not sure I want to watch it now, since we still don't have a date for the series, meaning it might still be a year or more away. So if I watch the special now, I'll probably have forgotten most of the details by the time the TV series starts.
It's... basically the first episode. Introduced all the Servant/Master pairs and laid out the foundation of the plot.

First episode was full of references to Type Moon works. Not just Fate but Tsukihime and even older works than that.

I'm happy to see a new work that lets you guess who the Servants are (unless you read spoilers, obviously). We're already well acquainted with Gilgamesh and Enkidu, but the others are all new. Even Jack is different from Apocrypha Jack. Identities of the others are a mystery.

Caster is a novelist but there are way too many to choose from. Nothing he said narrows it down.
Rider... no clue.
Assassin can use Zabaniya so she's definitely from the Hassan tribe, the mystery is why she doesn't have a mask. We know there are 19 Hassans in all but even in FGO we only know four of them.
Saber... I was already spoiled. More importantly, his master is a blonde Ayaka Sajyou, the protagonist from Fate/Prototype.
Rize and Kaneki
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