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Old 2023-07-03, 02:16   Link #11
Obelisk ze Tormentor
Black Steel Knight
Join Date: Jul 2011
Location: Indonesia
I guess I'll comment more "by the book" this time:
  • General impression of the series:
    Very entertaining show with top notch mecha animation, music & overall production values.

    Opinions on the overall story, writing & plot devices:
    Decent story writing where some latter plot developments are actually hinted early in the show in minute details.

    Thoughts about the animation quality:
    Superb handdrawn mecha animation in particular & beautiful show in general. In an era where anime studios are struggling to even animate handdrawn characters with armors to the point where they resort to CG most of the times, what Sunrise achieved in WFM looks even more impressive.

    Characters/Character Design:
    Likeable/loathsome characters & their unique designs really did boost the enjoyment for the show. We got some great memes from a lot of them too, including the Peil hags . I also like the Asticassia uniform.

    Voice Acting:
    Excellent. Nuff said.

    Which kind of footage (Blu-Ray/DVD-exclusive) you feel you'd really like to see:
    SuleMio's wedding as Blu-ray bonus, please.

    What the show meant to you:
    A fresh AU Gundam show that managed to do its job: presenting a good story/show, attracting (lots of) new Gundam fans & making money for Bandai to fund more Gundam projects

    What could the creators/animators/writers have done better:
    More episodes to flesh out a number of things will only improve what's an already a good story.
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