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Old 2023-06-20, 14:49   Link #16
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: event horizon
Originally Posted by Liddo-kun View Post
thanks. I feel some relief now. Would have been a disaster if she did not show up.. that would mean I won't have enough time gathering Stellar Jades in Europe.
Ah you play all 3 servers. That explains it. Was confused if I added the wrong account. Since it's called "Stelle" and you just have March on it :P

Originally Posted by Liddo-kun View Post
btw, did you pull for her 5 Star Light cone? Is it worth getting that?
If you spend money on pulls maybe, if you f2p, not really. If it turns out to be some super important LC you can just grab it whenever it reruns but rarely is there anything that important. You also have 2 opportunities to get a free 5star LC, once from the stardust shop at 600 and another from herta shop (I'm sure they'll add more of them there as time passes).

Not to mention you can always accidentally pull a 5star on standard; less of a pain when it's one you didnt have rather then extra you dont need.

I only get express so for me its a no-go. Only reason I'd even throw 10 pulls there would be if it had all 3 of the 4stars I want and missing at least 1 or 2 of them completely on my account.

Originally Posted by Liddo-kun View Post
anyway, even without the 5 star cone, I'm still happy just to have her on the team.
She's very strong and very fun. Since really like the banner 4stars I pulled some more on it for pity but got her again on 20ish so then just decided to just go all the way and get her E2 (a bad idea but I like her so its fine). She did empty my jade completely though, lol.

Should have enough for Fu Xuan when her time comes. With freebies and events back to 50 pulls.

Originally Posted by FlameSparkZ View Post
I'll be saving Jades for a while, so skipping Luocha, Kafka and maybe Blade too.
Bailu on departure, Hunt LC on standard, Pulled on Seele, Skipped Jingyuan, Pulled on Silverwolf (a bit too much), got a Himeko on standard, skipping everything till Fu Xuan, pulling on Fu Xuan. With QQ I'll then have full Quantum-Bunga-Team.

I'll probably try to snipe any banner they add a 4star healer to, since dont see this game existing with out another 4star healer and another 4star tanky unit, its just kind of silly.

Originally Posted by FlameSparkZ View Post
I have 9 characters semi-built at lv 60/70, mostly so I can deal with enemies of different weaknesses and it feels like there's not enough of an increase in the amount of drops when we reach a new Equilibrium Lv.
I just try to get everyone to 70 before bothering with anything else including traces. Can always swap LCs, relics, etc. But if I desperatly want to use character X and they're not 70 feels bad and not much can do about it.

Just Arlan and Herta to go.
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