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Old 2023-03-29, 04:25   Link #15
Last Sinner
You're Hot, Cupcake
Join Date: Aug 2008
Age: 43
Originally Posted by Frontier View Post
Well, considering what Shoko meant to him and is what made him so selfless to begin with, I can understand why he did it. She wasn't just some random person to him.
And sometimes kindness can be the greatest form of cruelty. Being selfless can ultimately harm the ones you care about when you place no value on yourself. Which is exactly what happened - and then required some of the most stupid writing/plot contrivances to enable the outcome.

Honestly, Sakuta just feels like an inferior mirror of Tomoya from Clannad. Excessively helping others but never themselves. Making everyone like them and not realising it until it's way too late. But what I'll grant Tomoya is that no matter which arc you choose in the end, the guy learned the hard way the consequences his actions had and that in order to be worthy of someone he had to improve himself. I can't say I ever saw Sakuta do that in any significant way and he took his hill to die on way too far.

As for the upcoming movie, hope the post-chuuni/rebooted Kaede gets some good treatment.
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