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Old 2023-03-28, 23:16   Link #14
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Join Date: Aug 2013
Originally Posted by Last Sinner View Post
He chose to die because of Shouko despite Mai and Rio pleading with him not to. So Mai chose to get killed instead. Then that clown fiesta time travel nonsense happened so that all could live.

It's one of the most emotionally manipulative, manufactured melodrama, appease all angles garbage fests I've ever seen. Anyone who doesn't have the backbone to stick with their partner and chooses to die instead can rack off in my book. Forsaking family, friends and lover for one random...that is one of the most selfish, cowardly things I've ever seen in any creative medium. There is no noble sacrifice in that, even if the origins of this scenario are tragic.

Any family or friends I've ever mentioned this scenario to have laughed and asked me if I'm serious/did someone actually write that. Anime friends with far more gumption than me were far angrier than I was after viewing it. Heck, the 40 year anime vet I know who got me to try the series, I warned him he would not like the movie. He watched it and now he regrets ever being invested in the title at all.

If I made a list of top 10 male characters I despise the most, Sakuta is definitely on it. Probably top 5. All because of that damn first movie. Mai deserves to make him obey him for life for doing that to her and she still stuck with him. Sakuta doesn't deserve Mai after that. The early eps of the series, for sure. But not after that...

And if you still like it/him after all that - so be it. It's your right.
Well, considering what Shoko meant to him and is what made him so selfless to begin with, I can understand why he did it. She wasn't just some random person to him.
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