Thread: Crunchyroll Ooyukiumi no Kaina
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Old 2023-03-22, 23:48   Link #36
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Join Date: Aug 2013
Originally Posted by frubam View Post
Man, just... terrible writing...

Ririha using the map to put out the fire instead of pulling the girl out of the room first, making it burn; The King just literally standing there as the big monster approaches instead of doing... well, anything else;

Ririha walking with no sense of urgency after incompetently letting the map get burned;

the Commander and Amelothee are just sitting there watching events instead of fighting, or doing anything.

Ririha was just pure stupid plot device for stuffs to go down. Really, the only sensible thing that happened during the 'war' was Commander shooting the Admiral in the head. And the gravitational beam emitter part was cool I guess.

The ending wrapped up in such a haphazard fashion(showing them in the Canopy, then jumping back to Atland with no sense of time progression) was a poor choice; they could have condensed the 'war' down quite a bit, leaving more room for the aftermath to be properly presented, if only they didn't inundate the show with random char stupidity and common episode stalling tropes.

All in all, it was a decent showing for the most part until the "war", then it went to crap. I'll watch the movie just because I'm invested enough in the story, but even if there weren't a follow-up, I wouldn't lose sleep over it.
At least her just walking around I can write off as her being in shock that she lost the map.

Orinoga and Amelothee were probably thrown off by the Ascender and then debating than to actually fight.
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