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Old 2023-03-03, 18:20   Link #32
Senior Member
Join Date: Nov 2015
Double posting, because who cares anyway.

I think the best part of this series is, that the MC isn't a self-completing type. He might be a crazy level pilot, but he still needs the dwarves for tearing down the captured ships, Mei is better at direct fighting, Mia can find most information and make plans, etc. In other words, all the other characters have meaning and bring value to the whole party, they are not just a cheerleading squad for the MC who doesn't need anyone else.

This is also a rare show where they don't go by the stupid "even split". Elma gets 6 times Mia's pay in the beginning because Elma is a trained veteran that can pull her weight while Mia is doing whatever she can to not be more burden than a help. This way of payment makes just much, much more sense.
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