Thread: Crunchyroll Ooyukiumi no Kaina
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Old 2023-02-01, 14:32   Link #17
Senior Member
Join Date: Aug 2013
Wow, below the Snow Sea is a beautiful underwater world! And a perfect excuse for Kaina and Ririha to hold hands and stare at each others' faces !

Dang, even after all that, Kaina and Ririha still get caught. The Valghians don't mess around. Then again, neither does Ririha. She straight up stabs a guy in the chest. She's hardcore !

Orinoga is a skilled warrior, but Amelothee is on another level. I don't known if anyone is up to her standard, though she seems to respect Orinoga's skills. Maybe even something more? Although I'm probably getting ahead of myself given they're enemies right now

Well, they got Kaina out of there, but Ririha is still captured, which is what they were after to begin with. But at least Kaina is learning more about the culture below the canopy through Atland .

Ririha's dad is a pretty stoic and serious man, determined not to fall prey to fatherly concern versus the needs of his nation...which sucks because it means they're not going to try to save Ririha .

Is that Sayaka Ohara as the kings' adviser? She doesn't seem like a nice lady, though he reaction to Kaina's "gift" was priceless .

So who is going to help Kaina save Ririha? Why, her little brother voiced by Ayumu Murase of course! Yaona seems like a pretty outgoing and concerned guy, for a prince, and him and Kaina might be Ririha's best bet at freedom given her father won't lift a finger and they're on a precipice of war. I don't want to see any more of Ririha locked up .
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