Thread: Licensed Yuru Camp△ The Movie
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Old 2023-01-04, 19:57   Link #34
Infinite Zenith
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Originally Posted by FlareKnight View Post
It's nice that the stats help out. Especially since it was definitely and totally done in the movie based on statistical evidence . Nothing wrong with embracing the reality that they didn't have the nerve to actually have any of them involved with anyone. Not that I don't get why they'd go that route. Playing it safe and leaving all possibilities endlessly open will keep from upsetting large parts of an established franchise that they clearly need to be interested to make money. Especially when it comes to a movie like this.

The statistical analysis is nice, but ultimately pointless. It's fine to criticize something you like instead of trying to defend a silly narrative decision. Even fine to decide that it doesn't matter to you. But pretending it was done for realism or based on statistical analysis is just being silly. It's obvious why they ended up doing that. It's not the biggest issue in the world or the biggest flaw of the movie. But it's there and I'll certainly criticize them to a degree for that choice. A small but good opportunity squandered because they just didn't want to take chances.
You're misconstruing things. I'm saying that everyone being single is not a valid criticism of the film because it has no impact on the outcomes of the story. If it contradicts your worldview or experiences, then indicate this is the case. In the absence of that, what's "silly' is you coming in here and dismissing the evidence in favour of your emotions. If your perspective is as valid as you claim it is, back it up. It's extremely poor form to call my arguments "silly" when you haven't even lifted a finger to provide a legitimate counterargument: it certainly does very little to convince me you have a point worth considering. Since you seem unable to provide anything substantial, the obvious conclusion is that you have nothing of note to add in this area, and therefore, your criticisms are petty, lacking merit.

I'll therefore flip things around to see if I can gain a modicum of insight into thinngs: what could have the film done had the characters been in a relationship? How would that tangibly add to the narrative or strengthen the films?

Last edited by Infinite Zenith; 2023-03-14 at 09:33.
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