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Old 2022-08-24, 00:24   Link #15
Last Sinner
You're Hot, Cupcake
Join Date: Aug 2008
Age: 43
Originally Posted by relentlessflame View Post
And yeah, I do think this has driven a lot of people out of the anime community, along with the extreme aggressiveness in an increasingly-combative society (as you point out).
Definitely. There's definitely some things helping like famous people saying they like anime. However, the pushback of the people that demand that all anime fans be labelled as degenerates is also telling. The 'made by degenerates, viewed by degenerates' mantra. There's definitely a relationship between people selling anime and influencer channels like Gigguk (think he calls himself Garnt now but I can't watch him anymore either way)/The Trash Taste Podcast, Mother's Basement, etc. Insisting that shounen/isekai is the way, that 5-10 titles in any season are top level and instilling a very for us/against us mentality. It is to sell specific titles and merch and it does work. And those channels will gladly take the money every time. Just like a whole bunch of big name Twitch streamers caved into taking gambling money.

Thankfully I finally got suggested a Youtube channel by the name of Kenny Lauderdale who specifically covers anime pre-2000, so there's discussion of a lot of older/more obscure stuff. That's definitely been a relief to find.

And as serenade said, I consider it a victory to find even one title from a season that I watched all the way.
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