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Old 2022-08-18, 13:02   Link #81
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Join Date: Aug 2013
Ko is back at it, prowling the night, but as averse as ever to anyone recognizing and trying to talk to him...but a fellow night owl like Kiyosumi is probably one of the few people he doesn't mind seeing again, especially when she thanks him for his help and emotional support! Double points for being the first time he's helped someone genuinely without it just being an act .

But how does this episode replace Yoko Hikasa as an office lady? With none other than Haruka Tomatsu as a sexy, playful, and flirty gyaru who isn't afraid to flaunt her assets. And despite Ko's attempt at decorum, even he can't keep his eyes from ogling her boobs. He's a simple boy, when you get right down to it .

At first Ko thinks he's found another girl like him, someone who is tired of acting in the day and having to interact with people when she'd rather just enjoy the night, even if it means spending time with older men on "dates," but that mutual recognition turns into supernatural horror when Seri turns out to be a vampire ready to pounce on him .

Now suddenly the series is an action anime as Nazuna arrives dramatically just in time to fight off Seri and save Ko after ripping Seri's arm off, showing just how a fight between vampires can go. Of course then Shizuka Ito whisks him away .

I did not expect to see Ko whisked away to a meeting spot between hot and cute vampire women voiced by top-tier female seiyuu, but there you go. You've got Eri Kitamura as Niko, the adult lady in a pantsuit who flirts with her targets by being chummy, Naomi Ozora as Midori who is particularly sociable and is a master at the cute girl flirting, Azumi Waki as Hatsuka who is the cute bokuko, and Shizuka Ito as Kabura, the sexy and seductive femme fatale type. Ko's luck with women really is something all right .

So it turns out that vampires are basically tasked with being popular and seducing people to make offspring, and Nazuna is an outlier because she's really embarrassed about romance and doesn't want to participate in any girl talk about it nor was she interested in pursuing it for the sake of an offspring. Which leaves them with a dilemma of what to do about her hanging out with Ko. Kill him or turn him ?

And then they basically start flirting with him and trying to win him over so he'll choose them, btu Ko is so blunt, honest, inexperienced with relationships/romance and focused on Nazuna that their attempts completely fly over his head. Nice attempt though, ladies .

Nazuna with the Superhero landing! And the reveal that she is planning to eventually turn Ko into her offspring, she's basically just building up to it...and Ko is determined to be a vampire and willing to use her need for his blood to keep their relationship progressing so that might someday happen. It's a fairly unconventional relationship, but it's ultimately in the service of making Ko a vampire, so that's enough for the other ladies to back off. Especially after Ko basically swears the rest of his life to being with Nazuna .
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