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Old 2022-08-07, 10:35   Link #7
Last Sinner
You're Hot, Cupcake
Join Date: Aug 2008
Age: 43
Shoujo romance had a good number of titles back in the day. His and Her Circumstances (Kare Kano), From Me To You (Kimi Ni Todoke), Say I Love You. Romance has heavily shifted to either being very comedic or very simple/endearing. And with that, shoujo lost its best outlet along with the rise of isekai pulling in the newer generation and shounen gradually getting better female characters. Over time, shoujo has lost its unique edge. Another factor is that they tend to be slower paced and with a newer generation that has far less patience/attention spans, shounen/isekai tends to resonate most with them. On the flipside, josei has had some titles (Chihayafuru as a prime example) do well so it's not like titles more specifically pitched for females can't succeed - but it is a lot harder.
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