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Old 2022-08-04, 13:12   Link #28
Speedy Sea Cucumber
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Originally Posted by BWTraveller View Post
Why should I "acknowledge bias" for saying that maybe, JUST MAYBE, neither side was acting in bad faith or being blind and stupid.
The crux of your argument is kinda gaslighty though; like Question said you can use "perspective" to justify anything, even troll behavior.
Being reasonable and polite is always valuable, and its value increases in direct proportion to how unreasonable and rude the other side is.
Polite and considerate are not synonymous; you can be rude and considerate or polite and inconsiderate. Recommendations based on a divisive "perspective" are at the very least inconsiderate, regardless of how they're presented.

I'm taking it on faith that the OP gave at least an outline of what he's looking for, because I've seen plenty of vague asks like "I want a VN like DDLC" or "recommend me an anime like RWBY" or some such.

[mod edit: removed unnecessary provocation]

Last edited by relentlessflame; 2022-08-04 at 13:49. Reason: Please don't be needlessly provocative. If you want to stop discussing, just do so.
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