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Old 2022-08-04, 09:35   Link #25
Born to ship
Join Date: Oct 2014
Location: Texas
Originally Posted by stray View Post
On one hand you're defending arguments based on "perspective" yet you're telling the OP to basically 'tone it down' -- if you don't want to acknowledge your bias that's your prerogative but where bias is concerned I'm not personally interested in taking a "gentle" approach.I've triggered at least a few people by calling Oregairu, Rental Girlfriend and similar series "harems" -- people can get pretty defensive about their favorites, and a lot of people make recommendations in the first place to push their favorites. Its really not worth engaging, just ask in more places and do your own research.
Why should I "acknowledge bias" for saying that maybe, JUST MAYBE, neither side was acting in bad faith or being blind and stupid. And yeah, they overreacted, especially if things went the way the original poster now says it. I was reacting more to the claim of "blatant lies" and the initial way the interaction was presented. I simply tried to reason why a person might respond to that with such a defensive posture and figured maybe they themselves thought they were being attacked. That doesn't mean they were in the right, only that that may be why and, if the goal is to avoid such harsh responses, a little caution might help. If I tell someone to avoid an action that might provoke an attack from any kind of animal (humans included), that doesn't mean I think the animal has a right to attack. Personally, I prefer to try and act gentle because I've learned very well from many people in many interactions, here and elsewhere, that simply saying something someone disagrees with can get me labeled as an awful person with the most vile of opinions and result in my words being twisted, even fabricated, to fit the other person's negative image. That's why I try to tread lightly, because while I do myself tend to react when contradicted, I know others do too and I particularly hate it when these reactions and debates devolve into personal attacks.

For example, once I commented that one argument frequently made by a side I agreed with was kind of pointless and useless, and this lady blew up at me, throwing all kinds of accusations at me, accusing me of personal attacks simply because I pointed out fallacies, and getting more and more irate. I tried my best to stay reasonable and polite, not because I thought she was in any way in the right or that she had any right to feel attacked, but because I figured if this was enough to make her feel personally attacked a harsher response would result in a far worse tirade. Being reasonable and polite is always valuable, and its value increases in direct proportion to how unreasonable and rude the other side is.

And to Question, I can only say that, again, they probably thought they were giving you a good answer, or at least the best answer they could find. Fact of the matter is I don't think there is a story where an army goes to a parallel world and gets crushed by nuke-level magic. The closest you do have is magic coming to the real world and destroying armies here, which is indeed very common. They misinterpreted what sounds a bit (just a bit) like an anime version of Avatar for "magic beats military tech". I've had that happen plenty of times before. It can be hard for anyone to find something that fits what they're looking for, and a lot of people will try to recommend something that they think comes close or grab at specific parts that are common and act like they've given a great answer.

Last edited by BWTraveller; 2022-08-04 at 09:46.
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