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Old 2022-08-02, 17:07   Link #9
Born to ship
Join Date: Oct 2014
Location: Texas
Originally Posted by stray View Post
To be honest a lot of people are kinda shit when it comes to recommendations. Though in fairness there's not that many fantasy or isekai series that don't have a power fantasy element.Galge rules are an exception but in general almost every isekai and romcom has harem elements, some heavier than others. I think the SAO rule applies; it doesn't matter what the MC thinks if there's 3+ thirsty girls after him - its a harem.

Harem as a genre has really sort of faded, though I guess there's a few traditional ones still going like Date-A-Live.
That's fine. As I said, it's a matter of perspective. I'd generally agree, but I could understand if people said otherwise, and as such I can see two people arguing and feeling that they're completely right and the other's either lying or blind. My best advice to OP would be to be a bit more explicit in what you do and don't mean. Don't just say "no harems, no overpowered protagonists", make it clear what's not OK. For instance, maybe say that you want the protagonist to be strong and heroic, but not stronger than veterans or able to catch up to them easily.

But I kind of wonder about how Question said they responded. If you come in saying "Hey, you said this wasn't X but it's obviously X", then people are going to feel like they're being accused, called liars, or blind, or in general "attacked", in which case it's not surprising that they'd respond in kind.

Either way, I'm going to have to call BS on the genre having faded. It's still popular and getting new stuff very frequently. It may be expanding a bit, growing a little more creative or taking on new varieties, but it's still very much present.
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