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Old 2022-07-21, 13:18   Link #33
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Join Date: Aug 2013
Ko getting all existential on us about the nature of a friend and when you know if someone is actually a friend. Ko really is kind of a melancholic thinker .

So Akira is the early bird childhood friend Ko never really realized he had since she'd been spending time with him when they were kids, got his transceiver (thinking he meant it for her), but then they drifted away from each other in high school...all the while Akira thought they were friends and Ko only just realized she thought of him that way. Of course, the feelings seem to run deeper than that .

Nazuna really enjoys playing the part of a mistress lover who thinks her man is only after her body, although even she pricks up when she realizes there's another woman in this situation .

So does Akira have feelings for Ko? He seemed to get the sense of it when she wanted to spend so much time with him and enjoy his company, but is that? Especially when she acts fairly hostile to Nazuna, vampire or no vampire. Although it's hard to compete with some blatant blood-sucking at night .

Nazuna really does have the mind of an old man, talking about "hanky panky," guzzling down beer, and the like...although when it comes to romance she's a blushing mess .

This show sure knows how to effectively use Creepy Nuts songs to accentuate montages .

Nazuna and Ko had their first fight! It goes to show that Nazuna cares more than she lets on if she was ticked off enough that Ko didn't immediately turn down Akira's offer to go back into the light, as it were, by going back to school since it means he didn't immediately choose her. Only he did, because he seems firmly committed to giving up school and becoming a vampire with Nazuna, he just didn't know how to properly turn Akira down. You have to admire that determination and how much thought he puts into it .

Some blood on Ko's lip is the perfect excuse for Nazuna to plant one on him and kiss him...which is totally just something friends do and not at all romantic, at least that's what Nazuna will tell him .
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