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Old 2022-07-17, 02:35   Link #26
User of the "Fast Draw"
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Canada
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Certainly things are picking up. And it's kind of nice to get back to the old cast. Although I still think an adult Aruru is still really awkward. They want to kind of keep the personality and speech pattern of her as a kid, but it doesn't quite work now. But the rest of the cast is fine since a few years added to them isn't all that big a deal.

Oboro certainly took a hit when it came to calming Kuon down. Getting his hands frozen and burned! Guess he won't be doing much fighting for a while. Definitely makes Kuon a ticking time bomb in that sense. Maybe she's feeling ready to fight now, but things aren't going to be all that easy on her. But at the same time she's clearly inherited that giant form so she's a pretty valuable asset to have out there when things inevitably get increasingly serious.

Not sure if this makes the situation more or less difficult for Haku here. Of course there wouldn't be much chance his small force could seriously topple Yamato anyways. Even if Anju recovers things will remain complicated. So having a serious military force moving in on Yamato creates a kind of opening. And it isn't as if Tuskuru would have a problem with Anju taking over. Obviously there will be clashes between both sides, because of course. But it might work out ok.

This is a pretty extreme move for them though. Even if Yamato is chaotic and a threat, they are still on a different continent across the sea. Although maybe this is the only time to make that move anyways. They've kind of lost a lot of their firepower over the years. Most of their superhuman members don't seem to be around for various reasons. Although obviously Benawi remains awesome no matter what. Curious to see how this plays out.
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