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Old 2022-07-14, 13:04   Link #19
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Join Date: Aug 2013
So I see Vampires share the same Japanese belief of equating eating with procreation...and this is probably the most I have ever seen the world "copulating" used in an anime .

Nazuna's legs and thighs...just, Nazuna's legs and thighs !

Ko has a strong desire to fall in love with Nazuna to become a creature of the night and Nazuna has a strong desire to keep partaking in his blood. It's not exactly love quite yet, though it's inching towards that conclusion, but it's enough to keep these two drawn to each other .

The way Nazuna just casually talks about grabbing rando's to drink their blood. Man, I love this girls' entire vibe and Sora Amamiya's delivery .

I was actually kind of wondering how old Nazuna was given how old school her phone was, given vampires don't often age, although she made it sound like it wasn't long before cell phones were created. Then again, time might come off differently to a vampire .

Ko is already getting invited in to sleep with Nazuna again...although he's jealous he's not the only guy whose blood she wants. Even though it turns out she was looking for him as much as he was looking for her. These two just can't help themselves .

Ko and Nazuna geeking out over the transceivers like actual kids. Props to Ko for feeling no shame at his lack of friends and not having the guts to go through with his original transceiver content, but now it can be a couple thing between him and Nazuna .

The dirtier Nazuna drinking his blood feels, the more Ko's feelings for her are growing? Although sucking blood on top of a school at night? Such horny teenagers .

Nothing more romantic than flying through the night together with a nice insert song .

Yeah, Nazuna is pretty dirty and raunchy in terms of her dialogue, but she seems very unaccustomed to actual romance and intimacy. It makes me wonder about the vampire that "birthed" her, if that was the case .

I wasn't expecting Ko's transceiver story to come back to relevance with the main plot. Is this new girl from his school the person who activated the other transceiver? She doesn't look like the girl that confessed to him but it seems like she knew him. Also, Yumiri Hanamori !
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