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Old 2022-07-09, 15:53   Link #90
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Join Date: Aug 2013
Time for Ultraman Decker, New Generation Dyna (not that we're going to advertise that this time, since we saw how that ended for Trigger)! Although it's hard to disassociate Decker from Dyna both design-wise and because Sphere is back and more dangerous than ever .

Remember Mars? That piece of Triggers' setting they never really did much with? Well, now it's Sphere fodder. Whoops! Seems like part of the drive of the series will be fighting off Sphere and reaching Mars again. Especially since it's part of Kirino's motivation and Kanata's probably worried about his parents (I'm surprised they're even alive) .

No better fit for an Ultra protagonist than a humble boy who works in the service industry and enjoys helping others while looking to the future. It's even in his name! Also Asuka's name, if you take the first letters of his last and first name together .

I like the Opening. It's not as epic and hype as Pull the Trigger but it feels like your classical, upbeat, Ultra Opening and it's fun to listen to .

It's neat to see the TPU shifting away from fighting monsters and being so militarized in a more peaceful world post-Trigger, shifting focus to space exploration, and the possible issues with slacking back from having an active GUTS-Select team or development on researching monsters. Especially when the Sphere's come a callin'. Also the future vice-captain was involved with monster research so I'm curious to see where they go with that .

I like Murahoshi. He seems like a really coolheaded and chill guy but with a strong resolve and determination that you want in a guy in a command position. I wonder if he has some kind of history with Ultraman though, judging by his reactions. Might just be me .

Kanata and Ichika's first meeting was cute, what with him trying to force some food on her. Maybe don't call a girl "rigid" though, Kanata...

Ryumon feels like the new Akito, being too serious for his own good and starting off on the wrong foot with the Ultra host .

Spheresaurus! Our first Sphere Kaiju! A really cool design, I liked the giant forward arms/legs .

I...really don't want to know what the Sphere do with those people they consume. Although it didn't seem like Kanata was automatically killed before Decker showed up .

Actual guns! Even Kanata grabs a machinegun and starts firing! And it's his guts (heh) and strong sense of self that draws Decker to Kanata. And from space to Earth, a new Ultraman is born .

Asuka gets a pocket knife. Kanata gets a whole giant Ultra head blade. I want to see him and Gai compare cards .

Decker had a pretty spectacular debut, smashing through the smaller Spheres and matching Spheresaurus blow for blow. I love it when an Ultra knocks the horn off of a kaiju. Also, that Ultra Beam was amazingly directed !

Points to Decker for trying to single-handedly defeat the Sphere invasion but maybe not something to do when the timer's started and this is literally the first time you've done this .

Will we see Kanata's grandpa again ?

I love Kanata's enthusiasm. I can imagine Haruki was a lot like him during his training with STORAGE .

So I guess Decker can talk like Trigger, judging by the outro message from Decker .
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