Thread: Licensed Shirobako Movie
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Old 2022-07-09, 09:50   Link #48
Kana Hanazawa ♥
Join Date: Jun 2007
Location: France
Age: 37
Finally got around to rewatching the series and watching the movie. Rewatching the series probably wasn't necessary since the movie provided a recap of sorts and characters that weren't Aoi or Kinoshita didn't get that much screentime (although almost every character came back so it was pretty nice), but I had a blast so I don't regret it. Definitely the best anime PA works made.

The movie was really good, although I'd say it was too depressing for the first half. Seeing Musani having almost completely fallen apart for circumstances that were beyond their control and Aoi herself not even enjoying her job anymore was just really sad. It felt like they took a dump on the ending of the original series.
Thankfully, Aoi picks herself up and brings most of the cast back to produce a movie that apparently managed to bring Musani back on the right track, given the number of projects they had lined up at the end. So it's a good ending. We also got to see the progress the other four girls made, even if some didn't have much screentime.

Would love to see a sequel in the future where the girls finally get to make their Seven Lucky Gods anime. Would require a big timeskip, though. Maybe one day.

I was a bit confused about one thing: in the series Nogame (3rd Wing author) had gotten burned with one of his past anime adaptation so he was really strict about what the anime could or couldn't do. And yet, the sequel to 3rd Wing, made by another studio, completely raped his work by turning it into a fanservice anime. How did that happen?
Rize and Kaneki
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