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Old 2022-06-20, 21:17   Link #2119
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Join Date: Sep 2011
Originally Posted by Lex79 View Post
Uhm I'm conflicted about the Marie route. On one hand I heard it introduces some interesting lore not present in the main series (though I'm not sure if it's supposed to be canon), on the other hand I also heard it's much more tragic and that might not suit well my tastes.
It probably won't. I like it for a number of reasons, but the tragedy is pretty evident. Characters you know from main series do perish over the course of the story, and knowing that a different fate could have awaited them makes it heavier on the heart. Especially when a good portion of those deaths could have been averted or were due to the fact that the people involved were fighting for something they believed in without knowing they were being manipulated, or how misunderstands and misinformation skewed their approach.

But in that same essence, it gives you different perspectives on characters not normally present. It expands their characters beyond the threshold of canon, showing how they could have been under different circumstances. These elements are there, but simply hidden beneath the surface, and having a light shone on them reveals sides of them you normally wouldn't expect for good and ill. It makes you appreciate how they are in canon, but also acknowledges that there's more to them and all that changed it was a meeting.
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