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Old 2022-06-18, 14:23   Link #3
Senior Member
Join Date: Aug 2008
Location: Pennsylvania
These are my comprehensive kitchen cleaning steps:

Remove all items from the central counter
Dry wipe to remove loose crumbs, then wet with 409 then scrub clean
Replace items
Do the same for the other segments of counter
Remove stove grates, wipe down surface
Remove stove knobs, apply stainless steel cleaner and scrub then dry
Empty toaster and toaster oven crumb trays
Use hot water to remove any food detritus from sink and wipe clean
Monthly, oil sink with mineral oil (it's granite)
Use scrub sponge wetted with hot water to clean microwave (I feel weird using chemical cleaner in there, don't want to poison my food lol)
Use stainless steel cleaner to clean fridge then polish dry
Use Norwex window cloth to clean the window, oven windows and microwave door
Sweep floor then mop it
Check for stains in the grout the mop didn't get and hand clean
Clean dishwasher filter
Dust tops of cabinets, refrigerator, microwave, appliances
Clean FoodSaver's catch tray
Clean refrigerator shelves/drawers
Check for old food and dispose while cleaning fridge shelves
Wipe trash can wall (tends to accumulate spatter from me throwing things across the room into the can lol)

I think that covers it. I should be doing that weekly, but I'm lazy lol, so it gets done when it gets done
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