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Old 2022-04-19, 11:45   Link #12
Join Date: May 2009
I am getting a vibe that a theme of fundamental vs. fabrication us getting set up with the showdown between the two Anna, and it may hint at how the Bridge Brigade well be going down eventually.
The fabrication is binded by its Archetype no matter how hard they try. Sprengel borrowed Kingston's name had gave Kingston easy access to Sprengel to turn her into a meat pot.
And the closer to the bottom line you are, the more things you can do. Aleister us the one who divided the world into two sides and thus have Archetype Control. Kingston predates the nagic even more so Golden Cabal school of sorcery and has the admin right over the system. And go back further we have Othinus who spawned a school of myths with people trying to explain her.
In other words, the Transcendents are still just the good old Idol Theory. They are trying to act as the idol themselves by conjuring an fabricated alternative of the idol to fit their own narrative. And this process of fitting the narrative is where the manipulation of information kicks in.
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