Thread: Ufo?
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Old 2022-04-14, 00:31   Link #99
Senior Member
Join Date: Jan 2008
Maybe we'll see more progress on UFO/UAP disclosure now that Garry Reid is out:

Sex, Lies, and UFOs: Pentagon’s Head of Counterintelligence and Security Ousted

"the Pentagon’s inconsistent messaging on Elizondo’s involvement in AATIP and general aversion to being open about its
interest in UAP is in large part due to one person: Luis Elizondo’s former boss at OUSD(I&S).

Or as one current senior Intelligence Official worded it when speaking with The Debrief, “Garry Fucking Reid.”"

"A “clearly upset” Reid wanted to know what he should do with Elizondo’s resignation letter and demanded he come to
see him at the Pentagon. When Elizondo declined the invitation, Reid reportedly threatened him, saying he would “tell
people you are crazy, and it might impact your security clearance.”

By November, Elizondo said he received several phone calls from former colleagues at OUSD(I&S) warning him that Reid
and “Employee 1” (from the IG complaint) were “coming after him.”

This could be written off as an apparently emotional and volatile former boss blowing off steam. However, it would
seem, Reid indeed did attempt to make good on his threats."

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