Thread: Windows 11
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Old 2022-01-25, 12:22   Link #8
Infinite Zenith
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Originally Posted by Renegade334 View Post
Yup, mine doesn't qualify for it, either, so W10 will stay on it for a lot longer.

Though...technically it should be possible to burn the bootable W11 image on a flash drive or DVD and install it on an upgrade-unqualified PC on boot, but, as expected, you'll be missing on a lot of W11 features (especially security-related) and you'll have little to no Windows Update support for hardware that MS has written off as too old.

Now, if PC parts weren't so god***n expensive nowadays I could have gone ahead with a total upgrade, but I am afraid it'll cost me twice to twice and half times more than what I paid for my previous custom rig.

For now W10 does the job flawlessly. Only when regular software (and I suspect games will be the first to do this) starts to roll out with the "requires W11" caution will I have to bite the bullet and scrounge up the money for a top-down new rig.
There's a similar problem for me: I have the funds to build a new PC, but the availability of parts is a concern in my area. The main issue for me is hardware: things are getting very old, and the machine is held together by duct tape and spirit at this point. I can probably get another year out of it at most, but on the flipside, Windows 10 remains very usable for me, so it's a matter of holding on until I can actually get a new build going.
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