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Old 2022-01-24, 18:17   Link #6
Kana Hanazawa ♥
Join Date: Jun 2007
Location: France
Age: 37
Never played the game but I liked those movies, even if I have to admit they were carried hard by my familiarity with Artoria and most of her knights (Gawain in Extra, Mordred in Apocrypha, and Lancelot in Zero). A lot of stuff was left unexplained (like that whole thing with Richard I's crusade) but the story it told work.

Bedivere was a compelling character, and having him be the MC with Ritsuka and Mash taking the backseat was a good choice. I didn't see the ending twists coming: him being human rather than a servant and his arm being Excalibur which he never returned to the lake.

The fight were great, especially Mash vs Lancelot and Gawain vs Bedivere. I have no idea WTF happened to Lancelot vs Agravaine, they became completely deformed at some point. I liked that instead of firing beams like in Extra, Excalibur Galantine produced fire. Helps differentiate it from Excalibur and makes sense given that Gawain is the Knight of the Sun.

It would have definitely worked better as a TV series, but what we got was good enough for me. Glad it got animated at all, unlike most of Grand Order.
Rize and Kaneki
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