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Old 2022-01-23, 23:53   Link #4
User of the "Fast Draw"
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Canada
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Now this is where a movie is a perfectly justified option. And where making adaptation changes make sense and add to the story. Giving Ritsuka some extra gear with solid limitations actually worked well and helped the story play out in an interesting way.

Sure I'd have loved to get even more little moments for the various servants. It would have been hilarious having Jalter wrecking enemies or a weirdly appropriate cameo from the Fate/Kaleid cast. But there are just things you can't fit into a movie like this. Those would have just been icing on the cake.

It was a really good cake. The only real issue I had with it was the lack of good explanation for Mash being alive at the end. They give a visual hint, but really could have used an extra couple minutes to actually explain that.

There's so much good here though. The servants coming to the rescue multiple times was great. You had Enkidu getting some shots in on Goetia, the moment of "here comes the Umu" and Jeanne's speech was handled well. There was just a lot of enjoyment in this and it doesn't drop the ball as an adaptation with the excuse of being a movie to back it up. It's just very solid.

No idea what the future holds for FGO adaptations. If they can handle it more like Babylonia and Solomon then great. Longer stories need the tv series treatment to actually give some time and depth to the encounters. While short ones like Solomon can definitely succeed with the runtime of a film. Hopefully we get more good ones.
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