Thread: Licensed Shirobako Movie
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Old 2022-01-15, 11:46   Link #44
Infinite Zenith
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I remember watching this one back in March of last year (and writing extensively about it, although to my disappointment, there was very little discussions of the film back then). It's a bit of a downer in the beginning, but after Aoi's musical number, things pick up big time

If memory serves, the film was a satisfactory way of bringing everyone back together for one rousing conclusion: it didn't do anything revolutionary per se, but it did handle an issue that the TV series didn't cover, allowing it to bring something new to the table, making it a worthwhile experience for viewers.

I would tend to imagine that accessibility is one of the main reasons why this film wasn't discussed more in general, but it's also the case that many of the biggest players in our old Shirobako thread are no longer active here, which is probably why Shirobako discussions has decreased here.
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