Thread: Ufo?
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Old 2021-12-11, 23:37   Link #95
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Join Date: Jan 2008
Set to make history on UFOs, Congress revives the '1 percent' doctrine

"Congress is days away from enacting historic legislation on UFOs. As first detailed by
researcher Douglas Dean Johnson, a must-pass defense bill will force the U.S.
government to mount a sweeping effort to investigate unidentified aerial phenomena.

Among a litany of groundbreaking requirements, Congress is set to mandate the
establishment of rapid UFO response teams, initiate a scientific study of objects that
“exceed the known state of the art in science or technology” and require investigations
of health-related effects associated with UFO encounters. Perhaps most importantly,
following seven decades of Cold War-induced secrecy, denial and obfuscation, the 2022
National Defense Authorization Act will mandate unprecedented government
transparency on UFOs.

Robust bipartisan support for the bill’s expansive provisions amounts to a stark rebuke
of years of official ineptitude and inaction on UFOs. Moreover, congressional
assertiveness is reviving the “one percent” doctrine, which holds that if there is even a
slight chance that a particular threat is real, the government must act as if it is a

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