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Old 2021-11-20, 14:27   Link #56
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Join Date: Sep 2008
Location: Earth
Yep, it's inevitable...I mean, Kengo is not "lame" imo...come on he fought dark-trigger with his bare hands XD, but every era has a different theme I guess. Sure they can reproduce Tiga if they want, but do they want it? will it bring a commercial success? Are they willing to take risk? I think it's very, Tiga didn't have live stream at that time, if Tiga had live stream, we could probably complain that Daigo was not good enough compared to the 70s

Having said that, I cringe every time when I think they could reproduce Gaia. I don't care how "lame" this new Gamu will be, but if they don't have enough pilots so they can be rotated, which is 99% going to happen, it's already a huge injustice and insult to the original show. Ppl keep saying how realistic Nexus is, but regarding to this criteria alone (pilots actually take shift so they can take a rest), Nexus doesn't even come close to Gaia XD

P.S holy is that Georgie's recent photo. She looks 2000% better than she was in Gaia!! And she was already good looking in Gaia...Man, Gamu missed his chance XD
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