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Old 2021-09-20, 22:42   Link #95
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Join Date: Jul 2016
Location: United States
In my earlier post, I pinpointed more than once how the timeline would affect "humans specifically" when considering cameos in the new movie. Hence why I pointed to the ages of Max and Isamu.

Also, extending the human lifespan is up for debate. Because for one, in Frontier, the Vajra blood is considered deadly for a human to even accidentally consume or be injected with. In Delta, the virus has shifted into a nerve-based issue no one seemingly can resolve. And continuous activation of it reduces the lifespan of the host (i.e. Messar). You could argue cross-species breeding could result in a longer lifespan but then the child would not be fully human so it hinders my initial point.

As for Grace... I believe it was established in the original TV series (and is true of the movie too), Grace is more or less an android version of her human self with all her prior knowledge copied over. The real Grace died years ago. This is also true of Brera. The problem is, if you're discussing side material for her, it undermines the on-screen situations from the TV series (and movies) of Frontier, as Grace is undeniably linked to Galaxy to the point where she loses sight of her original goal towards the end of both versions (and thankfully redeems herself in the movies).

My point originally was based on the human characters specifically. The likelihood of Alto showing up as a pilot cameo in Delta is higher than any of the prior human pilots, i.e. Max and Isamu. Now, Basara could show up, because logically he should still be of age in-universe to pilot a Valkyrie. However, if I recall correctly, in Frontier, Ozma mentions how he's "reaching the age of retirement," implying there is a cutoff age for when someone can operate heavy machinery or ballistic weapons in the military as there is in real-life. The problem is, those types of things are left to side material and never fully addressed in the shows (maybe it's a boring topic but it's world-building so it should be discussed more), and outside of fan translations, there's no official translation of those materials. Also, a lot of stuff mentioned in the side materials tends to contradict the timeline of the franchise itself... so I tend to consider Macross, as a franchise, to be Kawamori's Gundam series. Because you could bend yourself backwards trying to figure out which version of a Macross is "canon" whenever a new addition to the franchise drops. I know many on here initially believed Delta followed Frontier's movie-verse; however, as the series continued, it felt more like it followed the TV series ending. And neither is confirmed despite how both endings did indeed differ from each other in the outcome of the war itself.

However, Kawamori has at least been consistent over the years on remembering which characters he can bring back for what in the event he does a cameo. Meaning, he's at least aware of how timelines work in a vacuum.
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